Call 208-733-1067 or click here to schedule your eye exam or contact lens exam today!

"Comfortable vision isn't just about seeing 20/20. Computer, reading, and distance vision, astigmatism and prism correction, light sensitivity, cataracts, Diabetes, Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma; these are all components that can have a powerful impact on your eyes. There are many ways to increase your daily visual comfort, and an annual eye exam is the first place to start."
Dr. Frederick Prins was born in the Netherlands and immigrated with his family to the United States in 1948. He is a certified Optometrist and refraction specialist. He began practicing optometry in 1964, and has been practicing in Idaho since 1984. His eye exams focus on a thorough case history. He is caring and precise, and has retained loyal patients for many years.